If you are interested in working with us
Here are a few ways you can partner with us
Sponsor society operations
This will include having your company branding on all our promotional material, including our website and Facebook page, in exchange for helping to cover the major costs involved with running the society for the year.
Sponsor an event
Your company will be able to advertise at this event and your branding will be put on all relevant promotional material, in exchange for covering the food and administrative costs relating to that event.
Sponsor prizes for events
This can include branded items i.e. company gear or other special prizes, such as tech gadgets, and receive a notable mention on our website and social media pages, and special thanks at the relevant event.
Give a talk at an event
Ideally this should be done by one of your women working in tech. The talk could either be her experiences working as a woman in your company, or it could explain ways in which your company can provide opportunities for our WICS members.
Offer internships
Your company can offer internships and vacation work to WICS members that we will advertise for you. You will feature on the relevant sections of our website and social media pages.
Sponsor bursaries
If you are interested in providing a bursary to one of the WICS members who are struggling to pay for their studies, we will provide you with the platform to find appropriate candidates and will advertise your support on your website and social media pages.