Our Story
Mentoring younger students, particularly women, is not only challenging but inspiring. Being a woman in Computer Science, in a heavily male-dominated field, is often a challenging experience. It is not unusual for a woman to find herself undermined by her classmates, just because she doesn’t fit the stereotypical “Computer Science” mold.
In conversation with senior women students in the Department, one often finds that they have had a journey of nearly quitting Computer Science. This was, nearly always, preempted by having spoken with other women students or lecturers, who encouraged them to continue, and reassured them, that they were, in fact, capable of pursuing a Computer Science degree.
This begged the question, “How many female students would have continued and pursued a degree in Computer Science degree, had there been some form of encouragement and mentoring available?” In response to this, WICS was started in 2011 by some postgraduate students and was officially recognized to be a UCT society in 2015.

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Our Objectives
We strive to gather the women in STEM fields together to encourage conversation, support, and mentorship and ultimately aid in increasing the population of fem-bodies in science.
Introduce more women to STEM fields
Create a sense of community
Provide Valuable Career building Opportunities
to our members
Meet Our Team
The executive team tasked with making it all happen
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