The theme of the hackathon was ‘Using technology to solve community problems’.
We had trainers from Google Developer Group Cape Town to assist with implementation, judges from Amazon Development Center and prizes from Facebook.

The judging criteria was:
- Novelty
- Creativity
- Functionality
- Visual design
- Implementation effort.
With each team consisting of at least one female member, participants formed a diverse group from Second year to Honors students. Even though the time was very short to produce Minimum Viable Products , teams managed to impress the judges with prototypes that not only solved community problems but were practical too. The prototypes solved various problems from student security to employment to housing to learning. There is definitely power in diversity. We would like to congratulate the winners below for their effort and creativity.
First Place: Team ‘Donata’
They made an application to facilitate donation of biomatter such as blood, bone marrow, organs and postmortem body among others.
They had a winning strategy right from the start and walked away with exclusive goodies from Facebook.

Second Place: Team ‘Ride With Me’ and Team ‘Ukuya’
Team ‘Ride With Me’ made an application for ride sharing on campus.
Team ‘Ukuya’ made an application to connect people who want to walk together. Students studying on campus at night will definitely find use in this app.

Honarable Mention
This team made a web application to learn the different South African languages. Forget duolingo, this team will teach the local languages as we speak them. We were even more impressed by the fact they were first years.

Congrats to all the participating teams, you definitely showed great skill and effort. Keep up the spirit!
All in all, it was fun filled Saturday with lots of food, swag , ideas and networking.
We appreciate the support of our sponsors Amazon and Facebook and partners Google Developer Group Cape Town for making this event possible.
Being the first hackathon means there are many more to come. Stay tuned!